Øystein Linnebo
I am Professor of Philosophy at the University of Oslo. I was previously a Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Birkbeck College (January 2010 - July 2012) and a Lecturer and then Reader in Philosophy at the University of Bristol. I obtained a PhD from the Department of Philosophy at Harvard University in 2002 and an MA in Mathematics at the University of Oslo in 1996.
My main research interests are in the philosophy of logic and mathematics, metaphysics and the philosophy of science. I am particularly interested in questions concerning ontology, individuation, essence, reference (especially to abstract objects), necessity and of necessary truths. My approach to these questions is broadly Fregean in that I relate them to questions in philosophical logic and the philosophy of language.
On this page you will find information about my research, including preprints of my papers, and about my teaching. My CV can be downloaded here, and you can email me at linnebo @ gmail dot com.
"Generality Explained", which I have worked on since 2016, has been accepted for publication at Journal of Philosophy. A preprint can be found here.